question: What is meant by the tricks and betrayal of the nafs?


🎙 Question

:question: What is meant by the tricks and betrayal of the nafs?

✍ Answer

:point_up: Any temptation that draws our attention to sin and forces us to abandon duties should not be continued till it reaches the stage of action.

:no_entry_sign: Otherwise, in the other case, the human being has suffered from the deception of the nafs.

:point_up: Indeed, after committing a bad deed or sin, one should seek forgiveness and show remorse.
Otherwise, the nafs justifies it and shows it a good deed.

:large_blue_diamond: Before applying it, see if this thought is satanic or divine?
If a person does not care about it, Satan can show the reality in reverse.

:ok_hand: And the criterion of a thought being #satanic is that it invites to things that are against the divine beliefs and Shariah.


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